30 day minimalism challenge

I just recently found this 30-day minimalism challenge and I knew right away I wanted to participate. I've been wanting to cutback on a lot of the crap that's clogging my life and whittling down the stuff to only what's vital and cherished. Participating in this challenge is a great way to build momentum by starting small and not making drastic changes all at once.

The only rule for the challenge is to do one assignment every day, doesn't matter the order, and no skipping days. As I'm getting started on Sunday and there are only 28 days in the month, I've decided to minimize the minimalism challenge... I will eliminate two items (11 & 29??) from the list as it won't make much of a difference. Breaking all the rules!

So, I'm hoping to turn some of these challenges into posts and share my progress with you. Better yet, join in!

credit: photo/challenge


picture this / 01


this year's resolution